Cai Gengyang wrote:
Hey guys, I'm testing this on CodeAcademy, but I cant get the program to output
a result even after pressing the run button. Just wanted to check if my logic
is correct. Thanks alot
Your answers appear correct, but you could write Python statements to
test them (or any you encounter in the future). For instance,
if (20 - 10) > 15 :
s='(20 - 10) > 15'
b=(20 - 10) > 15
print(s, " is ", ("true" if b else "false") ); ## inside parentheses
may be removed.
I am new to Python. Maybe someone here is familiar with an elegant way
to get the the value of b directly from the string s? Hmm... It appears
that eval() would work (see "Python: Essential Reference", p. 115). I
just read about that for the first time last night! I may try that, for
practice, after I post this.
# Assign True or False as appropriate on the lines below!
# (20 - 10) > 15
bool_one = False # We did this one for you!
# (10 + 17) == 3**16
# Remember that ** can be read as 'to the power of'. 3**16 is about 43 million.
bool_two = False
# 1**2 <= -1
bool_three = False
# 40 * 4 >= -4
bool_four = True
# 100 != 10**2
bool_five = False