l v wrote:
> Xah Lee wrote:
>> (circa 1996), and email should be text only (anti-MIME, circa 1995),
> I think e-mail should be text only.  I have both my email and news 
> readers set to display in plain text only.  It prevents the marketeers 

Be generous in what you accept and conservative in what you send ;)

I always send plaintext emails, but Thunderbird can also display HTML. 
Of course I don't let it load remote images in the HTML, so no feedback 
for the marketers.

> and spammers from obtaining feedback that my email address is valid.  A 
> surprising amount of information can be obtained from your computer by 
> allowing HTML and all of it's baggage when executing on your computer. 

When that HTML execution accesses further remote resources.

> Phishing comes to my mind first and it works because people click the 
> link without looking to see where the link really takes them.

That's a problem, yes.  As usual, education helps.

I believe in Karma.  That means I can do bad things to people
all day long and I assume they deserve it.

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