> On Sep 17, 2017, at 2:19 PM, Ned Batchelder <n...@nedbatchelder.com> wrote:
>> On 9/16/17 1:38 AM, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
>> /rant on
>> So apparently everyone who disagrees that Python should be more like 
>> Javascript
>> is an old greybeard fuddy-duddy yelling "Get off my lawn!" to the cool kids 
>> --
>> and is also too stupid to know how dumb they are.
>> "Hi, I've been programming in Python for what seems like days now, and here's
>> all the things that you guys are doing wrong. I insist that you fix them
>> immediately, it doesn't matter how much code it will break, that's not
>> important. What is important is that Javascript programmers like me shouldn't
>> be expected to learn anything new or different when they program with 
>> Python."
>> /rant off
>> And no, for once it wasn't Ranting Rick.
> The thing that struck me about the interaction (on Python-Ideas, btw) was 
> that Javascript actually is adding new language features at an impressive 
> pace, and many of them seem very Pythonic.  But they sometimes choose 
> different syntax.
> For example, their "spread" operator is ..., where Python uses *:
>     new_list = [new_start, *old_list, new_end]
> vs:
>     new_array = [new_start, ...old_array, new_end]
> Making Python more like Javascript (in this case) would have required 
> breaking existing Python programs. Javascript could have use * as the spread 
> operator without breaking anyone. But they didn't, and I wonder if anyone 
> petitioned them to keep compatibility with Python to easy the plight of the 
> multi-lingual programmer.
> --Ned.
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

I came across a blog post that pointed out that those who advocate for a 
particular JavaScript framework probably know enough JavaScript for the 
framework but not enough JavaScript to figure out a problem with the framework. 
Since frameworks are an abstraction of JavaScript, you really need to know 
JavaScript to avoid getting stuck with a framework. I know enough JavaScript to 
get the JQuery eye candy to work and I'm confused by all the frameworks 
available. I picked up a JavaScript ebook to familiarize myself with the 
language. This isn't the same JavaScript that I learned in the early 2000's. 

Chris R. 

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