On 16/09/2017 17:52, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Sat, 16 Sep 2017 09:59:43 -0500, Tim Daneliuk <i...@tundraware.com>
declaimed the following:

Well, the whole integer floor division thing years ago was the beginning
of the end - Python was doomed ...
        Yes -- that would give me fits if I were using Python3 currently...
Since so many of the languages I've learned over the past years use the
concept         integer / integer => integer_result

        Come to think of it -- wasn't there a post from someone (seems to
expired or been filtered from my client) asking for help with some sorting
program... I'm pretty sure the partitioning logic would croak on Python3
due to floating point results in the slice indices:

        pA = part[:n/2]
        pB = part[n/2:]

What does 2to3 do when fed code involving division?

I've only used it once and did good job on the code I fed it. But it would not have been too hard to manually convert the Python2 code in that case.

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