To see output you should use function that prints to the output, for example print(). You also do not calculate correctly the tax and tip, it is percentage from the meal cost, so the tax to be added to the total meal cost is meal * tax / 100.
meal = 44.50 tax = 6.75 tip = 15.0 tax_amount = meal * tax / 100 tip_amount = meal * tip / 100 print('Meal total: %.2f' % (meal + tax_amount + tip_amount)) If I remember correctly, you receive the above values as input to your script. Use the input() and float() functions to accept value as input and convert it to float. On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 7:51 AM, Cai Gengyang <> wrote: > So, I’m on section (3. The Tip) … > > Instructions > > 1. > Set the variable tip to decimal value of 15% on line 5. > > This was my input: > You’re almost there! Assign the tip variable on line 5. > meal = 44.50 > tax = 6.75 / 100 > tip = 15.0 > > But, when I tried to run the program, I don’t get any output at all. Nada, > nothing zilch. Nothing happens, how come ? > -- > > --