08.09.17 20:34, Stephen Michell пише:
I chair ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22/WG23 Programming Language Vulnerabilities. We publish 
an international technical report, ISO IEC TR 24772 Guide to avoiding 
programming language vulnerabilities through language selection use. Annex D in 
this document addresses vulnerabilities in Python. This document is freely 
available from ISO and IEC.

We are updating this technical report, adding a few vulnerabilities and 
updating language applicability as programming languages evolve. We are also 
subdividing the document by making the language-specific annexes each their own 
technical report. For the Python Part, the major portions are written, but we 
have about 6 potential vulnerabilities left to complete.

We need help in finishing the Python TR. We are looking for a few Python 
experts that have experience in implementing Python language systems, or 
experts in implementing significant systems in Python (for technical level, 
persons that provide technical supervision to implementers, or that write and 
maintain organizational Python coding standards.

Any links? There are a lot of documents on http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG23/docs/documents, but some links are dead, and I have no found Annex D in http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG23/docs/ISO-IECJTC1-SC22-WG23_N0742-tr24772-1-after-meeting-50-20170817.pdf.

Maybe https://python-security.readthedocs.io/ can be useful to you.


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