On 09/08/2017 08:35 PM, V Vishwanathan wrote:
> Hi, From what I see in the recent 4/5 digests, this forum seems to be for 
> advanced
> and professional programmers.
> So wondering if a newbie can post some questions to understand errors in his 
> code
> or will it look silly?

Yes you may indeed post here.  There's also a beginners list called
python-help, which may seem less intimidating.  If you do post with a
question, be sure to copy and paste a complete traceback of any
exceptions your program is raising.  Also if you can, post a small but
runnable code snippet that demonstrates the problem you are having.

This list does tend to run off into the weeds fairly quickly on many
threads, but usually you can get some good assistance before that happens.


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