The StoreID (unique) is in Column1, a pdf map location in Column2, and the file name is "Warehouse1" (this will vary). (names not really sequenced numerically)
County1 C:/maps/map1.pdf County1 C:/maps/map2.pdf County2 C:/maps/map1.pdf County2 C:/maps/map3.pdf County3 C:/maps/map3.pdf County4 C:/maps/map2.pdf County4 C:/maps/map4.pdf Is it possible to append the pdf maps with the same county and naming the new pdf file grouped by the value in the county field and the file name? Output would be something like this: C:\maps\final\County1_Warehouse1.pdf (pdf file is map1.pdf and map2.pdf) C:\maps\final\County2_Warehouse1.pdf (pdf file is map1.pdf and map3.pdf) C:\maps\final\County3_Warehouse1.pdf (pdf file is map3.pdf) C:\maps\final\County4_Warehouse1.pdf (pdf file is map2.pdf and map4.pdf) Right now the data is in a database but I can export this info into any format needed. Ideas as to how to do this? --