On Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 4:03:40 PM UTC+5:30, ROGER GRAYDON CHRISTMAN 
> On 5 Sep 2017 14:28:44,  (Dennis Lee Bier) wrote: 
> > On 5 Sep 2017 17:57:18 GMT, <a onclick="addTo('ram')"

> >>  But what does "a C++ reference" refer to?
> >>
> > Per Stroustrup (The C++ Programming Language 4th Ed, page 189)
> > """
> > * ...> * A reference always refers to the object to which it was 
> > initialized.
> > * ...
> > A reference is an alternative name for an object, an alias. ...
> > """
> > {Hmmm, and I see that the syntax can be used outside of parameter
> > declaration -- which is the only place I'd seen it previously... either
> > this is a change from earlier standards, or my classes just didn't feel the
> > need to expose a non-parameter reference -- since, based upon the above
> > book, you can not declare a bare reference "variable"; it MUST be
> > initialized with a real object.}
> I think I can say something about this, having been a teacherof the classes 
> you refer to.   I intentionally avoided reference variables.
> IMO, the 'good' use for declaring a new reference variable (i.e. not 
> parameter)would be when (1) the object to which you refer to is 
> time-consuming to access(2) you plan to refer to this object more then once, 
> and don't want to repeatthat time-consuming process, and (3) you really want 
> a reference, and not a copy.
> The first two years of programming courses really do not have a purposethat 
> meets all three, so can "didn't feel the need" is probably applicable.
> I intentionally avoided them because reference variables simply compoundthe 
> problem of aliasing, so unless you really limit your reference variableto a 
> very tight sandbox, you could be causing more headache than you save.
> I do admit to occasionally defining a method that returned a reference,such 
> as one that overloads the [] operator.   But even so, I would generallybe 
> reluctant to giving an outside client a direct access to my 
> database'sinternal structures.  (Thank you Python for separating __getitem__ 
> and __setitem__)
> Python doesn't eliminate aliasing, of course, since most assignment 
> operationscreate aliases.  But at least it's nice to know that aliasing 
> immutable valuesis harmless.   Hence my unit on building recursive data 
> structures entirelyout of tuples.

The realization that immutability is a significant virtue is now beginning 
to percolate mainstream programming
Ive seen it in recent C# books as a definite recommendation… Something like
- Use value types
- Use getters but no setters

And you have a good design

Python makes this hard by giving less status to immutable types than mutable 
- set comprehensions exist not frozenset comprehensions
- Likewise tuples and lists

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