On 05/09/17 17:11, Stefan Ram wrote:
Ned Batchelder <n...@nedbatchelder.com> writes:
exec( compile( open( 'myscr.py', 'rb' ).read(), 'myscr.py', 'exec' ))
. This looks quite complicated, but there are rumors
that Python 4 might have a »execfile« function, and
one then will be able to write:
execfile(  'myscr.py' )
It's better to not start rumors about fictitious Python versions.

   That was an attempt to make a kind of joke.

   The background is:

   Python 2 has »execfile«, but not Python 3.

   Another background is:

   We recently had this discussion, where Steve wrote:

|there should be a standard solution, instead of having to
|re-invent the wheel over and over again. Even when the wheel
|is only two or three lines.

The difference is that inventing this particular wheel is almost always a mistake.

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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