23 aug 2005 kl. 10.14 skrev Michael Sparks:

> Roland Hedberg wrote:
>> I was surprised to find that the performance was equal to what
>> Twisted/XMLRPC did. Around 200 ms per set, not significantly less.
> That should tell you two things:
>    * Twisted/XMLRPC is as efficient as you can hand craft. (which is a
>      good use reason for using it).

I already gathered that much :-)

>    * That what you're measuring is overhead - and most likely of  
> setup.

Not necessarily! If the number of client - server queries/responses  
are large enough the effect of the setup time should be negligible.  
Or making testes with different numbers of queries you should be able  
to deduce the setup time.

> I'd measure the ping time between your two hosts.
> If your ping time is significantly lower -  eg you're running on
> localhost - I'd suggest you translate your code to C (and/or post
> your code),

I did the tests on localhost!

And I did post the code!

So, I made another test. I used  a server I have already written in C  
and which I know quite well how fast it is.

Using a python client I've written that talks to this server, it  
takes 0.8 s for the python client to start, connect and send
1000 queries. A C client is a bit faster but not a lot.

This is more in the order of what I'd like to have.

Hmm, not surprising this makes me suspect my python server  
implementation :-/

-- Roland

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