They come out even in the computer language shootout:

(tied 8-8 in execution time, although perl wins 4-12 on memory consumption)

Bill Mill

On 8/23/05, km <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> > thing.  If *all* your loops are going to do is print stuff, then you're
> > doing the right thing with the version that "emits values".
> ya most of the loops print values.
> > know this).  Since you haven't got any working code, it's not possible
> > that you *need* whatever negligible speed difference there might be
> > between Python and Perl.
> >
> > Python, don't let your first attempts at benchmarking dissuade you.
> > Really, trust us.
> ya i do.
> > Python's strengths lie in four things: the readability of the code, the
> > huge range of library modules available, the elegance of its object
> > oriented constructs, and the helpfulness of its community.  Raw speed is
> > not one of its strengths, but there are tens of thousands of people
> > using it quite effectively and without daily concern for its speed (same
> > as Perl, by the way since, again, they are _not_ significantly different
> > in speed no matter what an empty loop test shows).
> I agree that python emphasizes on readability which i didnt see in many of 
> the languages, but when the application concern is speed, does it mean that 
> python is not yet ready? even most of the googling abt python vs perl  
> convince me that perl is faster than python in most of the aspects. Also the 
> first thing any newbie to python asks me is abt "raw speed in comparison with 
> similar languages like perl" when i advocate python to perl.
> regards,
> KM
> --

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