On 2005-08-22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> aaah, well i believe that in Windows XPSP2 has disabled raw socket
> support (yes i sadly have to use windows) so that's no option. But I'll
> try to put a time delay and check what happens. Or otherwise perhaps i
> could do a socket.close each time, but that's a terrible waste of
> packets.

I doubt the other end is expecting you to close the socket after
each packet.  Unless it was designed to tolerate that, it might
not work.  A time delay of a few hundred ms will probably work.
I once wrote a Linux driver that could be used to wait until
the TCP out queue was empty, but that won't do you much good on

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Is this ANYWHERE,
                                  at               USA?

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