Chris Angelico <>:

> On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 7:10 AM, Marko Rauhamaa <> wrote:
>> Whether id() returns one such thing or not can't be discerned by a
>> Python program. What's more, for any compliant implementation of id(),
>> you can interpret the returned number as an address in some address
>> space (whether it's useful or not to interpret it that way).
> And I can interpret "Marko Rauhamaa" as a MIME-encoded IPv6 address.
> Does that mean it is one?
> 31:aae4::45ab:a16a:669a
> This is clearly your identity, and your address.
> [...]
> I've no idea what you're saying here with all that concatenation and
> stuff, but the truth is way simpler. If the two sides are the same
> object, 'is' returns true. Seriously, what's not clear?

Google finds a Dutch master's thesis from 2009 that gives formal
semantics to a subset of Python. I was interested in seeing how it
treated identity. Lo and behold:

   The is operator determines whether its operands are the same object.
   This is achieved by comparing the addresses of the operands.

        <Θ, Γ, S|a[l] is ◦, a[r]       >
     ⇒ <Θ, Γ, S          , a[l] ≡ a[r]>                       (13.7)

   <URL:> [p. 61/91]

(just sayin')


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