On 07/05/2017 02:14 PM, Sam Chats wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestions. I would've not used pickle had I been aware 
> about other tools while developing this.
> I was thinking about migrating to sqlite3. How about that? And yes, I need 
> more comprehanesive documentation.
> Will work on that soon.
> Thanks,
> Sam Chats
Personally I prefer text formats until I have some need to switch. That
way I can look at files directly instead of needing to unpickle or to
load up sqlite or whatever. It just seems like overkill when it's
unnecessary. Depending upon how you are updating data, using sqlite or
some database might make sense, but if you're just reading in or writing
out entire text files, then I'd just recommend skipping sqlite and
instead just writing to the files directly.


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