Hello, I'd appreciate your suggestions for a better approach to the following task.
I have 2 files ( 2 classes). One (ClassA) has all logic related to the main workflow of the program. Another (DB), I like to offload all operations with a DB ( sql3 in this case). I'm trying to pass the connection to the main class, but having problems. One of them, is i can't pass the conn as a parameter to the function in one (ClassA.abc()), because i inherit it ( function abc() ). I created a self.DBConnection field, but i'm not sure if i'm on the right path... Code is gutted to highlight the problem. Thank you --- code ----- one.py: from .DB import * class ClassA(OtherObject): def __init__(self): self.DBConnection = sql3.Connection def abc(self, reqId: int): DB.writeTicks(self,self.DBConnection,reqId)) DB.py: import sqlite3 as sql3 import sys from .tws import TWS from utils import current_fn_name class DB(object): db_location = '' # db_location = '../DB/pairs.db' def __init__(self, location='../DB/pairs.db'): db_location = location print(current_fn_name(),' self.db_location = {}'.format(db_location)) try: with open(db_location) as file: pass except IOError as e: print("Unable to locate the Db @ {}".format(db_location)) def reqConnection(self): try: con = sql3.connect(self.db_location) con.text_factory = str except sql3.Error as e: print("Error %s:".format( e.args[0])) sys.exit(1) return con def write(self, con : sql3.Connection, tickId: int): con.execute( blah) -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list