On Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 12:31:49 PM UTC-7, John Ladasky wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 9:24:07 AM UTC-7, Sam Chats wrote:
> > https://medium.com/technology-invention-and-more/how-to-build-a-simple-neural-network-in-9-lines-of-python-code-cc8f23647ca1
> OK, that's cheating a bit, using Numpy.  It's a nice little program, but it 
> leverages a huge, powerful library.


It's equivalent to saying "Hey you can create an HTTP server in only 3 lines!" 
when you're just making a call to SimpleHTTPServer.

If I create a AAA-quality game and pack it up so all I have to do is "import 
mygame; mygame.start()", then have I created a AAA-quality game in only two 

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