On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 5:27 AM,  <pavlovevide...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am thinking of a list that actively maintains in its items a member that 
> contains the item's own index in the list.  Basically, the item knows its 
> index into the list and the list ensures that the index remains in sync.  If 
> the list is changed, the list updates the indices.  This is a the that might 
> be useful in implementing observer pattern.

With a list? No, I would say it's a bad idea. But with a dictionary,
you certainly can. Consider something that loads up something based on
its unique ID (which could be a number or a string or something), and
then the thing itself has that ID. Very common in databasing, for
instance. You can then have a lookup dictionary where you grab them
from your cache, and the objects themselves have a "foo.id" attribute.
The IDs are immutable and eternal, unlike list indices, and they are
truly a feature of the object, so this makes a lot of sense. And it's
something I've done reasonably often.


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