On Fri, Jun 16, 2017, 23:32 Frank Pinto <fapb8...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm building an app that needs to do the following things: a) checks a
> Google Sheet for email and name of a client, b) logs into a dropbox account
> and downloads some files (only those files with the name from the google
> sheet), c) does some work on the files d) sends the new files to the
> clients with the information from the google sheets. It needs to do this
> from the first moment it runs till 7:30 PM local time (using a while loop).
> The problem I'm having is that when it starts running, the first iteration
> runs fine. When it gets to the second, the google sheets function I created
> that accesses the data of the sheets does not work (even though it did the
> first time). The console yields the following error:
> "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'client_id.json'"

My best guess is some of your code which you haven't shown us is calling
`os.chdir()` and then you're not moving back.

When I encounter this problem I usually mitigate it using a context manager
something like this:

def pushd(dir):
    prev = os.getcwd()

And then

with pushd(dir):
    Stuff in the dir

This is weird, because the json file obviously is not moved in between
> runs. Here's an overview of the structure of the code:

But it is just a guess, as your intention has been mangled somewhere along
the way, and in any case the code seems to be missing parts.

Matt Wheeler

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