Am 14.06.2017 um 22:33 schrieb Bradley Cooper:
> I am working with an API and I get a return response in this format.
> [{"itemNumber":"75-5044","inventory":[{"warehouseCode":"UT-1-US","quantityAvailable":0.0000000000000},{"warehouseCode":"KY-1-US","quantityAvailable":0.0000000000000},{"warehouseCode":"TX-1-US","quantityAvailable":14.0000000000000},{"warehouseCode":"CA-1-US","quantityAvailable":4.0000000000000},{"warehouseCode":"AB-1-CA","quantityAvailable":1.0000000000000},{"warehouseCode":"WA-1-US","quantityAvailable":0.0000000000000},{"warehouseCode":"PO-1-CA","quantityAvailable":0.0000000000000}]}]
> What is the best way to read through the data?

Your data looks like Json.
First use the _json_ module to convert the _string_ into a _Python data
Then you can iterate over it. My example is a nested loop. Maybe
you've more than one element inside the list.

import json

# the string looks like json
JSON_DATA = """[
    {"itemNumber":"75-5044","inventory": [

# converting the json string to a Python data structure
inventory = json.loads(JSON_DATA)

# representation in Python
#[{'inventory': [{'quantityAvailable': 0.0, 'warehouseCode': 'UT-1-US'},
   #{'quantityAvailable': 0.0, 'warehouseCode': 'KY-1-US'},
   #{'quantityAvailable': 14.0, 'warehouseCode': 'TX-1-US'},
   #{'quantityAvailable': 4.0, 'warehouseCode': 'CA-1-US'},
   #{'quantityAvailable': 1.0, 'warehouseCode': 'AB-1-CA'},
   #{'quantityAvailable': 0.0, 'warehouseCode': 'WA-1-US'},
   #{'quantityAvailable': 0.0, 'warehouseCode': 'PO-1-CA'}],
  #'itemNumber': '75-5044'}]

# the interesting part
for items in inventory:
    # get the elements in from the list
    # the elements are dicts, in this case exactly one dict
    print('itemNumber:', i['itemNumber'])
    # nested loop iterating over the values of the key 'inventory'
    for item in items['inventory']:
        # the value is dict
        code, qty = item['warehouseCode'],item['quantityAvailable']
        print('warehouseCode:', code, 'quantityAvailable', qty)

# Output
#itemNumber: 75-5044
#warehouseCode: UT-1-US quantityAvailable 0.0
#warehouseCode: KY-1-US quantityAvailable 0.0
#warehouseCode: TX-1-US quantityAvailable 14.0
#warehouseCode: CA-1-US quantityAvailable 4.0
#warehouseCode: AB-1-CA quantityAvailable 1.0
#warehouseCode: WA-1-US quantityAvailable 0.0
#warehouseCode: PO-1-CA quantityAvailable 0.0


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