Jorgen Grahn wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 15:19:55 -0400, Roy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> [diegueus9] Diego Andrés Sanabria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I want know if python have binary trees and more?
>>Python does not come with a tree data structure.  The basic data structures 
>>in Python are lists, tuples, and dicts (hash tables).
>>People who are used to C++'s STL often feel short-changed because there's 
>>not 47 other flavors of container, but it turns out that the three Python 
>>gives you are pretty useful.  Many people never find a need to look beyond 
> Uh, the STL has seven flavors:
> - vector
> - deque
> - list
> - set
> - map
> - multimap
> - multiset

There are others, e.g. std::valarray.  There are also adapters that use 
the above templates to implement other structures, adding or limiting 
functionality as appropriate; e.g., std::heap and std::stack.

> so that's not too bad for a static language. Each of them
> is vital for some purpose, but vector and map are by far the
> most commonly used.
> Neither C++ nor Python has tree structures in their standard libraries. I
> assume that's because there is no single interface that is proven to suit
> everybody's needs.

Hmmm...  I guess I never noticed the lack.  C++ has structures or 
language features that represent most of the common things trees are 
typically used to implement.  Of course, a "tree" can be represented in 
so many ways, it's more of a design pattern than a data structure. :)

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