On 05/25/2017 07:58 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Deborah Swanson
> <pyt...@deborahswanson.net> wrote:
>> Since none of you have XP SP2 with Anaconda3 Python 3.4.3, to either
>> confirm or deny my results, and I no longer have the message with the
>> traceback showing what happened, nothing anybody says at this point
>> matters wrt to what happens in XP SP2.
> Sure, we don't ACTUALLY have an SP2 system to test. But would you
> believe me if I said "Python 3.4.3 will ask you to have a webcam
> connected to the computer"? If I absolutely insist that on MY system
> Python keeps asking for a webcam, without ever showing the actual
> message or saying what I'm doing that triggers it? Think about how
> your messages look to us.
In fairness, she did post tracebacks that clearly show pip version 7 is
trying to build the module from source, but fails because the compiler
isn't present. Now she erred in saying that Python is attempting to
install Visual Studio.  There's nothing in any of the tracebacks that
shows Python trying to download and install a multi-GB compiler suite.

Unless she's willing to install the stock python 3.4 from python.org,
there's very little we can do to help with what's clearly an Anaconda
packaging issue.


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