On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 2:46:54 PM UTC-4, Tim Williams wrote:
> (Apologies for using Google Groups to post)
> I'm trying to use dictConfig to configure logging. I keep running into the 
> error that the logging.StreamHandler object is not iterable.
> I'm using Python 3.4.3 on a Windows 7 box.
> C:\Python34\python.exe 3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 24 2015, 22:44:40) 
> [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)]
> I want to use the configobj module to create the dictionary from an INI file, 
> but that's not the problem I'm having. 
> Here is my test code:
> #############
> import logging, logging.config, logging.handlers
> import configobj
> # config = configobj.ConfigObj('loggingtest.ini')
> # config['version']=eval(config['version'])
> config = {
>           'version': 1, 
>           'level': 'INFO',
>           'formatters': {'fmt1': {'format': '%(asctime)s: (%(levelname)s)  
> %(message)s', 
>                                   'datefmt': ''}
>                          }, 
>           'loggers': {'root': {'level': 'INFO', 
>                                'handlers': 'cfg://handlers.console'}, 
>                       'file': {'level': 'WARN', 
>                                'handlers': 'cfg://handlers.file'}
>                       }, 
>           'handlers': {'console': {'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 
>                                    'level': 'INFO', 
>                                    'stream': 'ext://sys.stdout'}, 
>                        'file': {'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 
>                                 'level': 'WARN', 
>                                 'filename': 'test.log'}
>                        }, 
>           }
> logging.config.dictConfig(config)
> ################
> When I run it, I get this traceback:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python34\lib\logging\config.py", line 611, in configure
>     self.configure_logger(name, loggers[name])
>   File "C:\Python34\lib\logging\config.py", line 775, in configure_logger
>     self.common_logger_config(logger, config, incremental)
>   File "C:\Python34\lib\logging\config.py", line 767, in common_logger_config
>     self.add_handlers(logger, handlers)
>   File "C:\Python34\lib\logging\config.py", line 748, in add_handlers
>     for h in handlers:
> TypeError: 'StreamHandler' object is not iterable
> During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "L:\workspace\MyPython\src\testlog.py", line 27, in <module>
>     logging.config.dictConfig(config)
>   File "C:\Python34\lib\logging\config.py", line 789, in dictConfig
>     dictConfigClass(config).configure()
>   File "C:\Python34\lib\logging\config.py", line 614, in configure
>     '%r: %s' % (name, e))
> ValueError: Unable to configure logger 'root': 'StreamHandler' object is not 
> iterable
> I even tried creating a JSON file to create the dictionary, and got the same 
> error.
> Thanks for any help
> --
> Tim


Thanks. That did it for my dictionary.
What I'm really trying to do is use configobj to do this from an INI file. The 
one problem is that all the values are strings, hence the 


It looks like if I do something similar with the handlers in the loggers, like:



seems to work.

I'm using configobj instead of configparser because configobj can nest 
sections. The INI file I'm trying to build has more sections for other things.

version = 1
level = INFO
                        format = "%(asctime)s: (%(levelname)s)  %(message)s"
                        datefmt =
                        class = logging.StreamHandler
                        level = INFO
                        stream = ext://sys.stdout
                        class = logging.FileHandler
                        level = WARN
                        filename = test.log
                level = INFO
                handlers = [console]
                level = WARN
                handlers = ['file']
                propagate = 1


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