On Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 2:35:29 PM UTC+5:30, Harbey Leke wrote: > Create a class called BankAccount > > .Create a constructor that takes in an integer and assigns this to a > `balance` property. > > .Create a method called `deposit` that takes in cash deposit amount and > updates the balance accordingly. > > .Create a method called `withdraw` that takes in cash withdrawal amount and > updates the balance accordingly. if amount is greater than balance return > `"invalid transaction"` >
> .Create a subclass MinimumBalanceAccount of the BankAccount class > > Please i need help on this i am a beginer into python programming. > > > Also below is a test case given for this project > > > import unittest > class AccountBalanceTestCases(unittest.TestCase): > def setUp(self): > self.my_account = BankAccount(90) > > def test_balance(self): > self.assertEqual(self.my_account.balance, 90, msg='Account Balance > Invalid') > > def test_deposit(self): > self.my_account.deposit(90) > self.assertEqual(self.my_account.balance, 180, msg='Deposit method > inaccurate') > > def test_withdraw(self): > self.my_account.withdraw(40) > self.assertEqual(self.my_account.balance, 50, msg='Withdraw method > inaccurate') > > def test_invalid_operation(self): > self.assertEqual(self.my_account.withdraw(1000), "invalid transaction", > msg='Invalid transaction') > > def test_sub_class(self): > self.assertTrue(issubclass(MinimumBalanceAccount, BankAccount), msg='No > true subclass of BankAccount') hi guys can get a perfect code and i have this code import time menu_list = ["O -open account"] menu_list =["l - load details"] menu_list =["D- display details"] menu_list =["A - Make deposit"] menu_list =["W- Make withdraw",] menu_list =["S - save"] menu_list =["Q - quit"] creation_list = ["Account owners full name:", "starting balance: $"] current_informatioon =["N/A","N/A","N/A"] save_path= 'bank_accounts/' information/_file = "information/" current_newbank_number = open(information_file + "bankid_txt","r") idnumber = int (current_newbank_number.readline()) current_newbank_number.close() current_file = open(information_file, "file_txt","r") filenames = current_files.readline() filenames=[line.strip() for line in filenames] current_files.close() def save(): global current_information save_name = open(save_path + str(current_information[0]) + ".txt,'w") for i in current_information: save_name.wrtie(str(i)+ "\n"): def open(): golbal idnumber,current_informatiom file_information = [] if current_informatiom[] != "N/A": save() file_information.append(int(idnumber)) idnumber: +=1 print("type c at any point to abort creation") for i in creation_list: value = input("\t" + i) if value.upper() == "C": menu() else: file_information.append(value) file_information.append(time.strftime("%d%r%y) + "+account opened- $" +file_information[2]) current_information = files_information current_information = file_information save_name = open(save_path + str(file_information [0]) + ".txt", 'w') for i in file_informatio; save_name.write(str(i) + "\n") current_file- = pen(information_file+str("file.txt",'w') filename.append(file_information[0]) for i in filenames: current_files_.wirte(str(i] + "\n") id_file = open(information_file + "bankid.txt","w") id_file.write(idnumber) def deposit(): amount ==int(input("how much would you like to to deposit?")) current_information[2] = int(current_informatiom[2]) + amount current_informatiom.append(time.strftime("%d/%r/%y) + "-deposit - $" + str(amount)) def withdraw(): amount ==int(input("how much would you like to to withdraw?")) current_information[2] = int(cuurnt_informatiom[2]) - amount current_informatiom.append(time.strftime("%d/%r/%y) + -deposit - $" + str(amount)) def quit(): if current_information[0] != "N/A": quit() def load(): global current_information count = 0 if current_informatioon[0] != "N/A": save() print() print("|t", '***file list**")\for i in file name: count += 1 print (count,1) if count==0: print("File list is empty") print("TYpe C to go back to the menu") print("Which file woulf you like") selection = input() if selection.upper == 'C': menu() elif int(selectiom) > and int(selection) <= len (filenames): load_file = open(save_path +str(filename[int(selection)-1])+".txt,'r') load_info = load_file.readline() current_information =[line.strip() for line in load info] print(current_information) else: pass def display (); print () print("Account balance:$" +str(current_information[2])) if len(current_information)> : print("Account history:") for i in range(3, len{current_informatiom)): print(current_information[1]) else: print("No account loaded") def menu() menu_ = True while menu_: if current_informatiom[0] != "N/A": print() print("current loaded accoint:") print("coustomer number:", current_information[0]) print("coustomer name:",current_information[1] print("coustomer balance: $" + str(current_information[2])) save() print("load or create an account") print() print("***bank sysytem***") for i in menu_list: print("\tt,i) command = input("command:") if command.upper() == "O": open_() elif(comman.upper() =="l": load_() elif(comman.upper() =="a": deposit_() elif(comman.upper() =="W": withdraw_() elif(comman.upper() =="s": save_() elif(comman.upper() =="q": quit_() print("not a valid entry"0 menu() -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list