Good afternoon, I have a list that I'm iterating thorough in Python. Each item in the list will have between 1-200 urls associated with it. My goal is to move on to the next. I have a variable "associationsCount" that is counting the number of urls and once it gets to 0 i want to move on to the next item on the list and do the same thing.
As my code stands right now, it counts through the stateList[0] and then when associationsCount gets to 0 it just stops. I know I need to add another couple lines of code to get it back going again- but I'm not no good at no Python. Please advise. Here's an example of the code: stateList = ['AL','AK','AR','AZ',etc] associationsCount = 1 for state in stateList: while associationsCount > 0: print(counter) url = 'url?dp={0}&n=&s={1}&c=&z=&t1=&g='.format(counter,state) print(url) page = requests.get(url) tree = html.fromstring(page.text) s = s + counter counter +=1 associations = tree.xpath('//td//strong/text()') associationsCount = len(associations) print(associationsCount) for x in associations: print(x) xUrl = '{0}'.format(x) xPage = requests.get(xUrl) xTree = html.fromstring(xPage.text) try: link = xTree.xpath('//li[@class="b_algo"]//a/@href')[0] print(link) associationInfo = state, x,link associationInfoList.append(associationInfo) except: pass --