On 2017-04-25 07:28, chenchao wrote:
Hi, all:

      I installed it by 'pip install numpy' or 'python setup.cfg
install'  on my PC, but I do not know how to do this on my arm board.
Because of my arm board does not have tool of pip. could you please tell
me any idea? Thanks!

This might help:

How to install pip on Ubuntu

On 04/24/2017 11:39 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:
On 04/24/2017 08:47 PM, chenchao wrote:
        I have x-compiled the cpython-2.7.10 and ported it on my ARM
board(it is not the Raspberry Pi and the Beaglebone Black).  But now, I
have to use numpy python package on my board. So how do i x-compile this
package? Is there anybody know how to do this? Thanks!

My embedded system version:

My PC system is ubuntu10.04.
I know it would be a bit slow, but it might be easiest to compile and
install numpy on the board itself using the normal tools (the same as
you'd build numpy on a PC).


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