[Disclaimer: I have not fully read this thread. If I'm jumping in with
something that's irrelevant for other reasons, please just ignore me]
On 19/04/17 22:06, Venkatachalam Srinivasan wrote:
On Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 12:55:41 AM UTC+2, Gregory Ewing
sensor_data=$(python execute_sensor_process.py) &
I understand your point. But the issue is, I need both the program to
be executed continuously. That is one module to control the robot and
another module to locate the robot. The location data from one module
is required by the other module for the entire execution.
If that is the *only* input to the main loop in the bash script, then
you can do something like:
python execute_sensor_process.py | while read sensor_data
echo "I have sensor data:" $sensor_data
If you have another main loop and you just want to sample the sensor
data periodically within that loop, then I'm not being very helpful ;)