On 19/04/17 00:08, Gregory Ewing wrote:
Erik wrote:
When considering special-casing this opcode sequence, remember that
in-place operations can be performed on anonymous objects (i.e., those
referenced by a collection and not bound directly to a namespace):

I think this means you would want multiple versions of the +=1 opcode:
one for each variant of the STORE operation.

Yes, I get that ;) That's what I meant by a "set of opcodes" - some of which know that there's an implicit ROT3 to do. Perhaps in some other circumstances there's a ROT3 and another op before the STORE. Or perhaps three other ops ...

I'm just pointing out that concentrating on folding a very specific sequence of opcodes that you happen to see in your test code disassembly does not necessarily scale well.

Why just INPLACE_ADD? For each variant of each type of STORE operation (we know there are at least two), you also might want to have MULTIPLY, SUBTRACT, DIVIDE, BIT_OR, BIT_AND, SHIFT_LEFT, SHIFT_RIGHT, EXP and MODULO versions ... (have I forgotten any?)



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