On Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 11:14:15 PM UTC+5:30, Steve D'Aprano wrote: > Meyer's "Considered Harmful Essays Considered Harmful" essay is hypocritical > junk, and should be considered harmful.
Your view. Here's an alternative. [Sorry its a vague memory of something I read more than a decade ago that I cant trace again] Some unknown Cobol programmer talking about Dijkstra: Dijkstra used his enormous prestige to destroy Cobol. We lost a great deal What did he gain? Ok so Cobol's control constructs are below par But do any of its modern successors have its data-describing properties? [the PIC clause] Or consider(!) Alan Kay's statement: "Arrogance in computer science is measured in nanodijktras" Maybe that's a response to similar violent, unnecessary barbs from Dijkstra? -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list