Nicole wrote, on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:49 PM > > browser.get(' > i&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l3.6857j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8# q=Rashmi+Custom+Tailors') > time.sleep(5) > > try: > p_links = > browser.find_elements_by_css_selector('div > h3 > a') > url_list = [] > for urls in p_links: > if "Rashmi Custom Tailors" in urls.text: > > url = urls.get_attribute("href") > url_list.append(url) > for url in url_list: > browser.get(url) > time.sleep(4) > > > it just visit first url not all .. Can anybody help how to fix that..
You don't say what module you're using and it would help to see the "import ..." statement. But there are a couple things I can think of that could be causing the problem: There's only one result with the exact phrase "Rashmi Custom Tailors" on the page. or The css_selector('div > h3 > a') only occurs for the first result and selectors for subsequent results are different. I've seen that before. If the div extends all the way down the list until after the last result, the results after the first one might have css_selector('h3 > a'), but I'm just guessing about how they might be different. Deborah --