On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 3:21 PM,  <breamore...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 7:32:52 PM UTC+1, john polo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using Python 3.6 on Windows 7.
>> I have a file called apefile.txt. apefile.txt's contents are:
>> apes =  "Home sapiens", "Pan troglodytes", "Gorilla gorilla"
>> I have a script:
>> apefile =  open("apefile.txt")
>> apelist =  apefile.read()

I think you misunderstand what the read() method is doing here.  It
does not return a list.  Instead, it returns the entire file as a
single string.

>> for ape in apelist:

So here despite the variable name you chose, you are acutally
iterating over the entire file contents character by character.  See
Mark's answer/hint below on how to iterate over the file contents by
line.  You might want to look up the docs on how to use these file
objects and their methods.

>>     print("one of the apes is " + ape)
>> apefile.close()
>> The output from the script does not print the ape names, instead it
>> prints each letter in the file. For example:
>> one of the apes is a
>> one of the apes is p
>> one of the apes is e
>> What should I do instead to get something like
>> one of the apes is Home sapiens
>> one of the apes is Pan troglodytes
>> one of the apes is Gorilla gorilla
>> John
> I'll start you off.
> with open("apefile.txt") as apefile:
>     for line in apefile:
>         doSomething(line)
> String methods and/or the csv module might be used here in doSomething(line), 
> but I'll leave that to you so that you can learn.  If you get stuck please 
> ask again, we don't bite :)


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