On Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 11:26:50 AM UTC-5, Steve D'Aprano wrote: > On Sun, 2 Apr 2017 04:41 pm, Terry Reedy wrote: > > On 4/1/2017 12:00 PM, Steve D'Aprano wrote: > > > > > example of the Ugly American. > > > > As an American I resent your promotion and perpetuation of > > an ugly ethno-centric stereotype. > > I'm glad you didn't try to describe it as a *unfair* or > *unjustified* stereotype, because (let's face it) after > November 8th 2016, that simply wouldn't fly.
D'Aprano, are you still stewing because Donald J Trump spanked Hillary's jumbo sized bottom like an unruly stepchild? You poor widdle partisian hack. I almost feel sorry for you. Heck, Trump has to be the most crass and unstatesmanlike candidate to ever run for the american presidency -- well, certainly in my lifetime -- so it should have been the surest win in history for Hillary (or should i say "HER-"?), but even with the mainstream media planted firmly in her pocket; Bill Clinton's endless charms; a grotesque prosession of hollywood celebs, and Obama on the campaign trail -- she folded like lawn chair! How pathetic. Not to mention that the democratic party cheated Burnie Sanders. (i wonder if he's "feelin' the burn"?) Of course, in their hubris, the Dems put all their chips on the same old tired "game of firsts" crapola, thinking the emotional sleight of hand was enough to clinch them the white house, but fortunately (for america), somebody at the DNC forgot to tell the Dem leaders that america is getting *SICK* and *TIRED* of the emotional games. We only want two types of candidates now: (1) those who are highly qualified non-partisans, or (2) those who will burn the old orders to the ground! With Trump, we got the latter. But as bad a Trump is, he's better than the "business as usual" we get from Repuke-I-Cans and Demon-Rats. But Steven, you're not even an american are you? Nope! You're just another Brit with a stick jambed firmly up his butt waddling around lecturing Americans about how terrible we are, but have you ever stopped to consider your own nation's horrendous history? TIP OF THE DAY: "Great Britain" is the imperialist empire previously known as "England". Now sod-off to your local library so you can catch up on, say, the last umpteen centuries of English tyranny and global colonization. Oh, and, please note that people who live in glass houses would be wise not to start a stone throwing war. just FYI, old buddy. *wink* > Not all Americans, perhaps not even a majority or a > plurality, are Ugly Americans, but there are enough of them > to screw it up for everyone else. There are bad apples in every bunch; every nation; every group. Stupidity and ignorance are ubiquitous traits and are fairly evenly distributed around the globe. So enough with America bashing already. We Americans are no more guilty of hate and intolerance than any other nation or peoples on this planet. Heck, we've only existed for just over 200 years, yet many polmics and media types would have the world believe that hate and intolerance didn't exist in this universe until July 4, 1776. And when has _any_ reigning power in human history ever acted in a 100% benevolent manner? Hmm? (At least, any one that matters, that is). If we read our history books, we would come to the conclusion that tyranny is the natural order of our human society, and, more evidence of universal laws in action. Therefore, only through perpetual conflict can we keep tyranny at bay. For instance, it's not as if we could tell ol' Henry the Eighth: "You know what Henry... you can be a real horse's arse!" -- to which he would "supposedly" reply -- "Indeed. I think i am. And uh, thank you for the healthy criticism" -- NOT! It is more likely that anyone who dared critize the king would win a free all- expense-paid trip to the tower of London, a most horrific place with a most notorious reputation for cruelty. But the English had quite a knack for cruelty, eh Steven? Hmm, remind me again, ol' boy, how many wives did King Henry the VIII have executed for their "supposed" infidelity? Of course, there are rumours that one of the executions did not go as "cleanly" as planned. My observation is that the botched nature of that execution was a feature, not a bug. But depravity has been the SOP for centuries in "Merry ol' England", eh chap? > It's an ugly stereotype, not because it is a stereotype, > but because it embodies a set of ugly attitudes and > behaviours. Your feeble attempts to legitimize your American bashing are deplorable at best. For once in your life, Steven, admit that you're filled with hate and apologize for it. If you don't like America, fine, don't come here. Is that so difficult for you? *WHO* we elect and *HOW* we live our lives is none of your damned business. Personally, i don't give a monkey's toss who your prime minister is, or what your pompous Queen wishes to have dipped in gold and encrusted with diamonds. Personally i think your whole system of governance is as silly as a clown college frat party and as dreadful as a three letter sexually transmitted disease! However, unlike you, i don't feel the need to go around brow beating every Brit i come into contact with. What happens in British politics and society is not of my concern. And likewise, what happens in America politics and society is not of yours. But i'll tell you what you _should_ be concerned about, and that is the religious fundamentalist that you are gleefully importing into your cities and towns, the religious fundamentalist who's goal is the destruction of Western philosophy, society and culture. Why, just a few days ago, another brainwashed god-bot from the "religion of peace" struck at the heart of London. "Why, what a surprise?" NOT! Of course, these attacks _should_ be concerning to you, but i guess you're too busy bashing americans to notice, eh ol' boy? If you and your Euro-trash ilk are willing to stand idle while hostile invaders destroy your country, well, my friend, that is certainly your right, but i can tell you one thing with absolute certainly, and that is that we Americans didn't spend the last 200+ years defanging christianity just to let another "religion of wackos" waltz in here and turn our Democracy into theocratic hell hole. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! One of the oft-cited snobbish insults that regulars in this group love to fling at those who they do not agree with, is: <smartarse>Better go learn mandarin!</smartarse>. Well, i've got news for all you Europeans, it is not Mandarin that you will be forced to learn, oh no, it will be the regional language of whatever islamic *SECT* that happens to be ruling you "at the moment". For your sake, it would be better if the Chinese take over the world -- hey, they might be brutal dictators, but at least they don't base their society on theocratic principles originating in myths and fairy tales. Trust me, you'd much rather deal with a rational tyrant than irrational one, because there is no hope of reasoning with an irrational. And when, whatever shards of freedom you have now are snatched from you; and when your wives and daughters are treated like second and third class citizens; and when *YOU* are forced to live and die by the archaic whims of an ideology that exists for the sole purpose of subjugation and tyranny -- don't you dare, DON'T EFFING YOU *DARE*! -- to come crawling to America for your liberation, because i promise you Mr. D'Aprano, your cries will fall on deaf ears. We already saved your sorry butts once, and what did we get for that enormous sacrific, huh? We got nothing but decades of insults and endless eurotrash ingrates! So forget the library, *PAL*, and instead, sod-off to your local mosque. Time to start reading the Koran, that way you'll know who's holy sphincter you need to kiss. Godspeed ol' boy, Godspeed! PS: Don't forget the salad bowl! -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list