Sorry but all your answers are pointless.

I clearly asked about compiling PyUno MYSELF with a self-compiled
Python 3.6.1 installation. Is this so hard to understand? Why do you give
unrelated comments to a clear questions? Sometimes it is better to be quiet.

2017-03-28 5:49 GMT+02:00 Michael Torrie <>:

> On 03/27/2017 09:13 PM, Jim wrote:
> > I don't know if this is of any help but I am running Mint 18 with Python
> > 3.5 and I have a package installed called python3-uno which is described
> > as "Python-UNO bridge". Maybe CentOS has a similarly name package.
> You're right. In fact it looks like LibreOffice 5.3 at least ships with
> Python 3.5 as part of the package, and comes with pyuno as part of that.
> Try running the python binary from the LibreOffice install directory (on
> my machine that is
> /opt/libreoffice5.3/program/python).  I'm not sure how to work with
> pyuno outside of the LO-shipped python.
> --

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