Ths is the whole snippert i'am trying so you can see what i'm tryong to do.
[code] # if bot is contained in hostname update all previous database bot hostname entries with current bot hostname for bot in bots: if bot in host: domain = '.'.join( host.split('.')[-2:] ) cur.execute('''UPDATE visitors SET (pagesID, host, ref, location, useros, browser, visits) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) WHERE host LIKE %s''', (pID, domain, ref, location, useros, browser, lastvisit, domain) ) if cur.rowcount(): botfound = True break [/code] As if i have a syntactical error in someplace which i'am faling to see or PyMySQL wants special treatment regarding escaping special characters. --