Kalle Anke wrote:
> Is there some implementation of Python that runs on Palm OS?
> I've found "Python to Palm Pilot Port" 
> <http://www.isr.uci.edu/projects/sensos/python/> and Pippy 
> <http://sourceforge.net/projects/pippy> which both seem to be based on Python 
> 1.5
> Is there some implementation that implements later versions of Python?

This is asked fairly frequently, and you can easily search the list 
archives using Google Groups to see more detailed answers than the 
following one:

If you want to write real Palm applications (i.e. which have access to 
features provided by the operating system such as PDB files or GUI 
elements), the answer is "no, not yet, though people are still working 
on very early phases of projects that might someday get there".

My personal advice after saying that is to investigate Plua (Palm 
version of Lua) which does provide pretty good access to the Palm OS and 
which has a similar enough feel to Python that I don't mind using it.


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