On 3/18/17, Nathan Ernst <nathan.er...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My issue with using spaces instead of tabs, is that, as mentioned earlier
> in the thread, everyone has their own preferences on indentation. I've
> worked on teams where different developers used 2, 3 & 4 spaces as
> indentation. Obviously, if you're using spaces, several of the members will
> be unhappy.
> Tabs have the benefit that most editors used by developers allow the
> adjustment of the width of a tab. If you use tabs, everyone can be happy
> with the visual presentation of their code.
> My rule of thumb: tabs for indentation, spaces for alignment (i.e. trying
> to line up anything after a non-whitespace character on a single line).
> Regards,
> Nathan

Everyone has their own preferences how to display tabs (2, 3, 4 spaces?).

How could alignment look in case of mixed tabs and spaces? Everybody
will be happy?

In case of spaces there is not discrepancy. pep8 and similar linters
could work fine without incompatible configurations.


PS. I am "spacist" :P but I feel this a little more aggressive than is
necessary too:

> Feel free to start your own discussion forum for your new programming
> language that forbids spaces for indentation. That language will never
> be Python, so please don't ask us to discuss it here.

I think there could be enough time to deprecate now and forbid tabs
(or spaces) as indentation in python4.

That doesn't mean I propose that! I only think that this transition
could be technically possible so discussion is not necessary useless.

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