Op 09-03-17 om 12:32 schreef Chris Angelico:

> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 8:25 AM, Chris Green <c...@isbd.net> wrote:
>> Yes, I'm well aware of these issues, but it's my personal address book
>> so I can avoid many/most of them.
> The justification "it's *my* personal address book" is saying "none of
> *my* friends have weird names, so I'm fine". So, yeah, he did.

No he didn't, you are reading conclusions into his words that aren't
there. An other possibility is that it is his personal address book,
so he is at liberty to handle those weird names as he sees fit. He
doesn't own anyone an explanation of how he organises his own personal
address book.

Just because you can only think of one conclusion to draw from his words,
doesn't mean that is the only possible conclusion.

Antoon Pardon.


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