John Ladasky wrote in message

> Does anyone know what I must change to get the full traceback?

Three years ago, I had a similar issue with incomplete tracebacks while using multiprocessing.Pool. The discussion is here:!msg/comp.lang.python/qKTNNt8uKKU/biNyslh19ncJ;context-place=msg/comp.lang.python/qKTNNt8uKKU/c6K8kVdfTw4J

Other, better Python programmers than myself were treating this as a bug that needed to be fixed, and were doing so for Python 3.4. The linked discussion contains a link to the developers' bug reports. It appears that the bug was addressed, but I don't know if it was backported to every version of Python. What version of Python are you using?

I am using 3.6, so maybe it is a different issue, or maybe a similar one but the fix was not applied to the asyncio module.

I will study the thread you quoted, and report back.




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