On 18 Aug 2005 16:06:46 -0700,

> I have a java program in a package called 'cmd'. This of course
> conflicts with the builtin python package of the same name. The thing
> is, I need to be able to import from both of these packages in the same
> script. I can import either one first, but any future attempt to import
> from cmd.* will look up the first cmd that was imported, so the second
> package is essentially eclipsed. I've tried fiddling with sys.path and
> sys.packageManager.searchPath, to no avail. To answer the obvious first
> suggestion, no I can't rename the java package to 'Cmd' or anything
> like that. Any ideas?
Assuming you can fiddle with sys.path at the right times, you can call
an imported module anything you want:

    import cmd as java_cmd
    import cmd as python_cmd

Obviously, then, 'cmd' does not reference either module; you'd have to
use java_cmd and python_cmd as appropriate.


Dan Sommers

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