Hi! How can i make the score stop blinking and how can i make a high score table, in this game made with python? (this game is made on a Macbook) (there are some files in the game that i don't haven't copied into this file! like pyth.GIF)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #turtle game (take down the yellow astroides 1v1) import turtle import math import random import os #asks for players name print("player 1 uses W,A,S,D and player 2 are using arrow Up, Down, Left, Right.") print("write player 1's name") name1 = input() print("write player 2's name") name2 = input() #set up screen wn = turtle.Screen() wn.bgcolor("black") wn.bgpic("pyth.GIF") #borders mypen = turtle.Turtle() mypen.penup() mypen.setposition(-300,-300) mypen.pendown() mypen.pensize(3) mypen.color("white") mypen.left(90) mypen.forward(600) mypen.right(90) mypen.forward(600) mypen.right(90) mypen.forward(600) mypen.right(90) mypen.forward(600) mypen.hideturtle() #creates the scores score1 = 0 score2 = 0 #create player 1 player = turtle.Turtle() player.color("blue") player.shape("triangle") player.penup() player.speed(0) player.setposition(285, 285) #create player 2 player2 = turtle.Turtle() player2.color("white") player2.shape("triangle") player2.penup() player2.speed(0) player2.setposition(-285, -285) #creats goals maxGoals = 1 goals = [] for count in range(maxGoals): goals.append(turtle.Turtle()) goals[count].color("yellow") goals[count].shape("circle") goals[count].penup() goals[count].speed(0) goals[count].setposition(random.randint(-290, 290), random.randint(-290, 290)) #set speed variable speed = 3 #define functions def turnleft(): player.left(30) def turnright(): player.right(30) def turnright2(): player2.right(30) def turnleft2(): player2.left(30) def up(): player.forward(50) def up2(): player2.forward(50) def down(): player.right(180) def down2(): player2.right(180) def speedup(): global speed speed += 1 def stop(): global speed speed = 0 def reset(): goals[count].setposition(random.randint(-290, 290), random.randint(-290, 290)) player.setposition(random.randint(-290, 290), random.randint(-290, 290)) player2.setposition(random.randint(-290, 290), random.randint(-290, 290)) def isCollision(t1, t2): d = math.sqrt(math.pow(t1.xcor()-t2.xcor(),2) + math.pow(t1.ycor()-t2.ycor(),2)) if d < 20: return True else: return False #set keyboard bindings turtle.listen() turtle.onkey(turnleft, "a") turtle.onkey(turnleft2, "Left") turtle.onkey(turnright, "d") turtle.onkey(turnright2, "Right") turtle.onkey(speedup, "o") turtle.onkey(stop, "b") turtle.onkey(down, "s") turtle.onkey(down2, "Down") turtle.onkey(up, "w") turtle.onkey(up2, "Up") turtle.onkey(reset, "r") while True: player.forward(speed) player2.forward(speed) #boundary checking player if player.xcor() > 290 or player.xcor() < -290: player.right(180) os.system("afplay bing.mp3&") #boundary Checking player if player.ycor() > 290 or player.ycor() < -290: player.right(180) os.system("afplay bing.mp3&") #boundary checking player2 if player2.xcor() > 290 or player2.xcor() < -290: player2.right(180) os.system("afplay bing.mp3&") #boundary Checking player2 if player2.ycor() > 290 or player2.ycor() < -290: player2.right(180) os.system("afplay bing.mp3&") #boundary checking if goals[count].xcor() > 290 or goals[count].xcor() < -290: goals[count].right(180) os.system("afplay bing.mp3&") #boundary Checking if goals[count].ycor() > 290 or goals[count].ycor() < -290: goals[count].right(180) os.system("afplay bing.mp3&") #move ball for count in range(maxGoals): goals[count].forward(1) #collision checking with goals if isCollision(player, goals[count]): goals[count].setposition(random.randint(-300, 300), random.randint(-300, 300)) goals[count].right(random.randint(0,360)) os.system("afplay yes.mp3&") score1 += 2 speed += 0.5 #collision checking with goals if isCollision(player2, goals[count]): goals[count].setposition(random.randint(-300, 300), random.randint(-300, 300)) goals[count].right(random.randint(0,360)) os.system("afplay yes.mp3&") score2 += 2 speed += 0.5 #collision checking with player 2 if isCollision(player, player2): player.setposition(random.randint(-300, 300), random.randint(-290, 290)) player.right(random.randint(0,360)) os.system("afplay yes.mp3&") score1 -= 1 speed += 0.5 if isCollision(player2, player): player2.setposition(random.randint(-290, 290), random.randint(-290, 290)) player2.right(random.randint(0,360)) os.system("afplay yes.mp3&") score2 -= 1 speed += 0.5 #draws the score on the screen mypen.undo() mypen.penup() mypen.hideturtle() mypen.setposition(-290, 310) scorestring1 = (name1 + ": %s" + " points ") %score1 scorestring2 = (name2 + ": %s" + " points") %score2 mypen.write(scorestring1 + scorestring2, False, align="left", font=("Arial",14, "normal")) -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list