On 14-2-2017 23:44, Makoto Kuwata wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any *just right* python code to refactor?
> In other words, I'm finding bad code example in python.
> (background)
> I'm teaching Python to some novice programmer, and
> want to show refactoring example to them.
> (required)
> * not good code
> * not too large (for novice programmer)
> * not too complex (for novice programmer)
> * released under open source license
> If you know good material in github or bitbucket to refactor,
> let me know it.
> --
> regards,
> kwatch

No code in text form, but I find the following video by Raymond Hettinger very 
about the values of refactoring otherwise seemingly fine code


code starts at 12 min. 40 sec.

It does require a bit of background knowledge about Python and the PEP8 code 
style and
API design.



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