On 2005-08-18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i have an ascii string comming in the serial port and i need to convert
> it to something else, like an integer, or binary, or even a hex so i
> can use the bitwise comparison on it.

But what do you mean by "integer", "binary", and "hex"?  

Decimal, hex, and binary are all representations of integers.

On your computer all integers are 2's compliment binary (we're
going to ignore BCD for the moment).

The only thing that can be "decimal" or "hex" are _string_
representations of integer values.

If you want something upon which you can perform the bitwise
boolean operations &, ^, |, then you most probably just want an
integer object.

To convert a string to an integer, use the int() builtin
passing it the string an an optional base:

>>> int("1234")
>>> int("1234",10)
>>> int("0x100",16)
>>> int("100",16)
>>> int("100",2)

Others have already shown you how to use the bitwise boolean

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Look DEEP into the
                                  at               OPENINGS!! Do you see any
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