I've created a command line utility for managing text files. It's written in 


It makes heavy use of the fantastic Click module by Armin Ronacher: 

This can be thought of in different ways: 

* A micro-wiki

* A note-taking application

* A file manager

The key aspects are 

* Entirely command-line driven

* Text documents only with a slight preference for Markdown

* Make it easy to operate on documents without having to remember where they 
are or the exact names

* Editor agnostic (vim, emacs, Sublime, Atom, etc.)

Here's how to create a document: 

    yd edit "shopping list"

After editing, saving, closing, you can find again: 

    ➜  yd ls -l shop
       15981278      md           61   2017-01-20 12:15:43   shopping list

While some people might gasp at the idea of a command line wiki, I find using 
the command line with a text editor like emacs the best workflow. I also like 
not having to worry about where a file of this kind is located. You can also 
use it to track configuration files: 

    yd take ~/.emacs --symlink

Now, I can edit this. Because it's a link to the actual file - having used the 
`--symlink` option, the configuration file will be updated: 

    ➜  yd ls -l emacs
          1c608cd7      md          113   2016-12-16 10:53:24   emacs
       ln 183a5b80     txt         5608   2017-01-15 12:59:39   

Using the cloud sync options lets me get my current config file wherever I am, 
completely up-to-date. For a more wiki-like experience, I can load all the 
documents with a common tag so:

    yd browse wolf

This converts all the documents tagged with 'wolf' and loads them in a browser 
with a simple navigation sidebar.

Convert a Markdown document called "Python3" to .odt: 

    ➜ yd convert Python3 odt

There is an optional cloud syncronisation feature that connects to a specific 
endpoint, https://doc.yew.io: 

    ➜ yd sync

This requires registration at https://doc.yew.io, which can also be done via 
command line. But that is entirely optional.

I'd be interested in feedback if there is any interest in using this kind of 
utility. I'll expose a python API so bulk operations can be done easily on the 
command line or via scripts.

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