Hello, I am new to this mailing-list and I really don't know whether this mail should belong to python-dev. Please tell me, if so.
Unfortunately, I have got the following problem: I wanted to build and install Python 3.6 from source but did not succeed. To clarify my situation, I got as an operating system Debian jessie 8.6 and I used the xz compressed source tarball from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-360/. Concerning the build dependencies: I just executed: $ sudo apt-get build-dep python3.4 (since 3.6 and 3.5 did not work). Then I executed ./configure --enable-optimizations and make -j4 (I got 4 cores). The output of make ended like: 'make: *** [profile-opt] Error 2'. I had redirected the output and error of the configure and make commands via $ make -j4 &> /home/username/make_output.txt. Nevertheless I got an error to the console: '*** Error in ./python'" free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x00000000015bdf90 ***'. Due to these error messages (this one and the one at the end of make) I think the build was not successful. How to solve this problem? Of course I could send you the output and error files. I'd be glad at any help. -MichaelS -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list