On 01/09/2017 07:02 PM, Deborah Swanson wrote:
Erik wrote, on January 09, 2017 5:47 PM
As people keep saying, the object you have called 'records'
is a *list*
of namedtuple objects. It is not a namedtuple.
IIRC, you create it using a list comprehension which creates the
records. A list comprehension always creates a list.
Well no. The list is created with:
records.extend(Record._make(row) for row in rows)
I'm new to both namedtuples and list comprehensions, so I'm not exactly
sure if this statement is a list comprehension. It looks like it could
be. In any case I recreated records in IDLE and got
--> type(records)
<class 'list'>
So it's a class, derived from list? (Not sure what the 'list' means.)
On the one hand, Deborah, I applaud your perseverance. On the other, it seems
as if you trying to run before you can walk. I know tutorials can be boring,
but you really should go through one so you have a basic understanding of the
Working in the REPL (the python console), we can see:
Python 3.4.0 (default, Apr 11 2014, 13:05:18)
--> type(list)
<class 'type'>
--> type(list())
<class 'list'>
--> type([1, 2, 3])
<class 'list'>
So the `list` type is 'type', and the type of list instances is 'class list'.
Your records variable is an instance of a list filled with instances of a
namedtuple, 'Record'. One cannot sort a namedtuple, but one can sort a list of
namedtuples -- which is what you are doing.
As I said earlier, I admire your persistence -- but take some time and learn
the basic vocabulary as that will make it much easier for you to ask questions,
and for us to give you meaningful answers.