> Hello,
> I have downloaded the PyPE2.1-win-unicode.zip, after unzip it with winzip
> into PyPE2.1-win-unicode dierctory on window XP. I try to run "pype.exe"
> by double
> click on it, but nothing has happen, then when I run it with "run as..."
> using the right click button.
> I have the following Message in the pype.exe.log
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "pype.py", line 30, in ?
>   File "configuration.pyc", line 129, in ?
> WindowsError: [Errno 267] The directory name is invalid:
> 'E:\\Downloads\\Python\\PyPE\\PyPE2.1-win-unicode\\library.zip/*.*'
> I also copy the "PyPE2.1-win-unicode" directory into
> "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages" and run it, but it behaves the same !!
> Then I downloaded the source code and unzip it into "PyPe2.1-src", and run
> "python pype.py" in a command window.
> The progroam detected I have an older version of wxPython 2.5.5 and askes
> me do I want to download the newer version
> 2.6.1. Which I did.
> After downlowd the wxPython 2.6.1 (win-unicode" version). I installed it
> into Python 2.4.1, then re-run PyPE.
> i.e re-issue "python pype.py" in a command window." I have the following
> traceback Error message:
> [ Wed Aug 17 09:32:32 2005 ] Loading history from C:\Documents and
> Settings\gbr02333\.pype\history.txt
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "pype.py", line 3926, in ?
>     main()
>   File "pype.py", line 3916, in main
>     filehistory.root = root = app.frame = MainWindow(None, -1, "PyPE",
> sys.argv[1+opn:])
>   File "pype.py", line 438, in __init__
>     self.loadHistory()
>   File "pype.py", line 1152, in loadHistory
>     self.config[nam][k] = dict(v)
> TypeError: iteration over non-sequence
> I wonder does anyone using PyPE2.1 on Windown XP SP2 and have the same
> problem? Can any one help
> with the problem? Thanks in advance !
> Tony Ha.

I have the following reply from the creator of PyPE (Josiah Carlson).
solution for running PyPE2.1 from the source is:

"replacing line 1152 with the following 4 lines:

                            if isinstance(v, dict):
                                self.config[nam][k] = dict(v)
                                self.config[nam][k] = v "

Once I done the replacement as suggested above, PyPE2.1 can run from
source now. Thanks Josiah !


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