On 01/07/2017 05:58 PM, Clint Moyer wrote:
Not sure how you guys got this thread so far off topic, but I think it
is valuable to present the current situation in the context of Jim's
sudo question. Staying on topic, the emphasis should be on taking the
path of least resistance with your current OS. The only thing to be
gleaned from PEP394 is that users should not put faith or expectations
in what their /usr/bin/python symlink points to. Most systems point to
Python2, but it is not guaranteed.

So to minimize your issues with installing Python packages, take the
path of least resistance and install through your system repo. And use
Python2 or Python3 explicitly to avoid conflicts.


As I mentioned in another post, most of the more popular modules I had installed on my old system using pip are available in the repository and I will use the repository to install them on the new system. I now understand that using sudo is a bad idea.

One question from the earlier post that did not get answered concerned upgrading a repository installed module with pip. To get started on the new system I installed pip3 from the repository. The first time I used it to install a module it said a newer version was available and gave the command to update it. What are the consequences of using pip to upgrade repository installed modules?

I ask because 16.04 is LTS and won't be getting version upgrades unless they are security related. Also pandas is in the repositories but the module pandas-datareader, which I may need to use, is not.

Regards,  Jim

On Sat, Jan 7, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 8, 2017 at 9:34 AM, Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 01/07/2017 11:39 AM, Clint Moyer wrote:
All Linux operating systems come with Python installed, with more
recent systems such as Arch defaulting /usr/bin/python to Python3,
since Python2 discontinued some 7-9 years ago.

Poor choice of words, in my opinion.  Python 2 has not received new
features for 7-9 years now but it certainly hasn't been "discontinued"
and won't be for some years yet, though new programming (and distros)
should be with Python 3 now.

Also, /usr/bin/python shouldn't be Python 3.


But various distros are moving towards "don't have Python 2 installed
by default", which consequently means "no system scripts depend on
Python 2".



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