On Friday, January 6, 2017 at 8:45:41 PM UTC-5, Mario R. Osorio wrote:
> On Friday, January 6, 2017 at 10:37:40 AM UTC-5, Ethan Furman wrote:
> > On 01/06/2017 05:03 AM, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
> > 
> > > what do we call the vertical and horizontal line elements? I want to make
> > > them configurable, which means the user has to be able to pass an argument
> > > that specifies them. I have names for the individual components:
> > >
> > > XXX = namedtuple("XXX", "vline tee corner")
> > >
> > > default_YYY = XXX("│  ", "├─ ", "└─ ")
> > > bold_YYY = XXX("┃  ", "┣━ ", "┗━ ")
> > > ascii_YYY = XXX("|  ", "|- ", "+- ")
> > >
> > > def draw_tree(tree, YYY=default_YYY):
> > >      ...
> > >
> > > but what do I call XXX and YYY?
> > 
> > Looks like horizontal, vertical, and corner are as groups -- so I would 
> > call YYY "style" and XXX "default", "bold", and "ascii".
> > 
> > --
> > ~Ethan~
> back in the days of CPM this group was referred to as "box characters", and 
> each of them were called as follows:
> "│": vertical_line, v_line
> "├─": left_intersection, l_intersection, left_tee, l_tee
> "└─": bottom_left_corner, bl_corner
> [...and son on...]
> (the names also apply to the combination of lower ascii characters)

NOW ... in particular this case I'd call them:

"│": vertical_line, v_line
"├─": node
"└─": last_node, l_node


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