Ionut Predoiu wrote:

> I am a beginner in programming language.
> I want to know what version of Python I must to learn to use, beside of
> basic language, because I want to integrate in my site 1 page in which
> users to can made calculus based on my formulas already write behind (the
> users will only complete some field, and after push "Calculate" button
> will see the results in form of: table, graphic, and so on ...). Please
> take into account that behind will be more mathematical
> equations/formulas, so the speed I think must be take into account.

Consider PyPi. I never used it, but they say, it is faster than usual CPython 

> I waiting with higher interest your feedback.
> Thanks to all members of community for support and advice.
> Keep in touch.
> Kind regards.

Victor Porton -


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