James Sungjin Kim wrote:
> Robert Kern wrote:
>>... Once you move outside of that box and start doing real
>>programming, Python (with Numeric, ipython, matplotlib, scipy, et al.) 
>>beats MATLAB handily.
> As one who is really newbie on Python, In MATLAB we can represent the 
> codes for the matrix manipulation as really like mathematical forms, e.g.,
> MATLAB> H = U*D*V'
> It definitely makes the science programmer easier and faster to write 
> their codes.

Careful there. That's a huge generalization. Most scientific programmers 
don't only do matrix manipulations. MATLAB makes matrix manipulation 
easier, not writing scientific programs in general.

Like I said, if you're only doing exactly what MATLAB was designed for, 
interactive manipulation of matrices, then MATLAB will be easier. MATLAB 
pays a price for that convenience, though. Its facilities for writing 
more general programs (by which I mean anything beyond "H = U*D*V'"; 
that includes most "scientific" programs) are severely lacking.

Once a MATLAB program gets large enough that it doesn't fit into one 
file, it's unreadable, and if I'm given one that I need to 
read/use/modify for my research, I refuse. Life is just too damn short. 
I'd rather rewrite the thing myself in Python; indeed, I *have* on a few 

I can do a whole lot more in Python much easier. If that means I have to do

   H = dot(U, dot(D, transpose(V)))

or (if U, D, V are scipy.mat() instances)

   H = U*D*V.T

then I'm more than happy with that tradeoff. The small syntactic 
conveniences MATLAB provides are dwarfed by the intrinsic power of Python.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter


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